Grup de Recerca en Interacció Persona Ordinador i Integració de Dades (GRIHO) (INSPIRES)

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GRIHO és un Grup de Recerca en Interacció Persona Ordinador (IPO) del Departament d'Informàtica i Enginyeria Industrial de la Universitat de Lleida. Es tracta d'un grup interdisciplinar i interdepartamental que te com a objectius la docència, la recerca i el desenvolupament, dins l'àrea de la IPO, aixó inclou l'estudi de la usabilitat i l'accessibilitat, disseny centrat en l'usuari, interficies plàstiques, nous paradigmes entre altres [Més informació].


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 41
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    Open Access
    Addressing Information Consumer Experience through a User-Centered Information Management System in a Chilean University
    (MDPI, 2023) Godoy, María Paz; Rusu, Cristian; Hatibovic, Fuad; Granollers i Saltiveri, Toni; Ugalde, Jonathan
    Prior research on the successful design and construction of data visualization systems or information management systems has not fully taken into account the holistic experience of employees working with information within the organization but has centered on specific aspects, such as user experience or data quality, attempting to go against information management quality, as those approaches can significantly influence users’ perceptions and their motivation to effectively use such tools for decision making. This study addresses the information consumer experience (ICX) in a Chilean Higher Education institution through the design and implementation of an user-centric centralized information management system. This system was created using an adapted design thinking methodology with an ICX perspective to identify and integrate the information consumers’ demands and other factors correlated with ICX into the system’s design. The proposed system is a technological extension of an information resource validation process that involves senior data analysts from the Analytics Department and external data analysts from other departments across the organization. This process helps to address data quality and information management quality (IMQ) problems of the organization, representing a centralized data source for all information consumers into the organization, offering consistent, accessible, and good quality data to address daily work and enhance information consumers experience, and managerial work.
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    Open Access
    Renovation assessment of building districts: Case studies and implications to the positive energy districts definition
    (Elsevier, 2023) Guarino, Francesco; Rincione, Roberta; Mateu Piñol, Carles; Teixidó Cairol, Mercè; Cabeza, Luisa F.; Cellura, Maurizio
    As the built environment is among the main contributing sectors to climate change, it is needed to investigate new paradigms to push decarbonization efforts towards the ambitious objectives defined internationally. It is a shared understanding that shifting the perspective from the single building to the district perspective is required to fully take into consideration the complexity of all interactions undergoing within the built environment, thus the concept of Positive Energy District emerged as a district with annual net zero energy import and net zero CO2 emission working towards an annual local surplus production of renewable energy. In this framework, this paper explores the investigation of the potential for achieving the level of Positive Energy District in a group of nonresidential buildings in Balaguer, Catalonia, Spain. These buildings, occupying 8,825 m2 in the city centre, require significant refurbishment for improved energy performance. The analysis includes building energy modelling and simulation, renovation studies, several alternative balance calculations, and carbon emissions assessment. The paper also considers mobility and embodied energy and their impact on energy/carbon balances. The results show that Positive Energy Districts carbon and primary energy balances are not met with rooftop PV installations when retrofitting an existing district towards the Positive energy target but further significant PV areas (roughly + 50%) are required to meet merely the use stage balances: negative results are traced when mobility and embodied energy are computed. A formulation alternative to the simple mathematical balance to facilitate the diffusion of Positive Energy District as catalyst of urban decarbonisation could be needed, including context factors and alternative systems (e.g., rating systems).
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    Open Access
    Pneumatic Urban Waste Collection Systems: A Review
    (MDPI, 2023) Farré Cabanillas, Josep Anton; Mateu Piñol, Carles; Teixidó Cairol, Mercè; Cabeza, Luisa F.
    Due to the increasing need for a more sustainable environment, the study of waste management strategies is increasing worldwide. Pneumatic urban waste collection is an alternative to conventional truck collection, especially in urban areas where there is a need for reducing traffic and pollution. In this study, the scientific literature on such automated waste collection systems (AWCSs) (also known as automated vacuum waste collection (AVWC) systems) is evaluated through a bibliometric analysis. The available scientific literature is found to be scarce, while there are several patents on the topic. The keywords used in the literature are mainly related to energy use, gas emissions, and the cost-benefit analysis. Moreover, the market status is presented and a summary of the environmental studies is provided. The active companies in the field are identified and a complete list of AWCSs is provided. Most of the scientific literature related to the environmental aspects of AWCSs uses the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to evaluate the performance of different case studies.
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    Open Access
    Un proyecto de diseño curricular en Customer eXperience
    (Comité de Organización de la II JOrnada de Trabajo sobre Enseñanza de CHI (CHIJOTE’18). Universitat de Lleida, 2018) Rusu, Cristian; Rusu, Virginica; Botella, Federico; Quiñones, Daniela
    El artículo presenta un proyecto de diseño curricular en el área de la Experiencia del Consumidor (Customer eXperience, CX). Se considera que CX extiende el concepto de la Experiencia del Usuario (User eXperience, UX), haciendo el vínculo entre la Interacción Persona-Computador (Human-Computer Interaction, HCI) y la Ciencia de los Servicios (Service Science). CX es una línea de investigación emergente, altamente interdisciplinaria, de interés para profesionales de cualquier área, en particular, en ingeniería. El proyecto pretende diseñar y ofrecer la asignatura optativa “Experiencia del Consumidor” para todos los programas de Ingenierías de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. Posteriormente se pretende diseñar una propuesta curricular de Diplomado en Experiencia del Consumidor, orientado principalmente a ingenieros, pero abierto a profesionales de distintas áreas.
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    Open Access
    Estudio de competencias de Interacción Persona-Ordenador: hacia un perfil en el marco europeo
    (Comité de Organización de la II JOrnada de Trabajo sobre Enseñanza de CHI (CHIJOTE’18). Universitat de Lleida, 2018) Gallardo Casero, Jesús; Lacuesta, Raquel; Cerezo, Eva; Baldassarri, Sandra
    Los graduados en Ingeniería Informática deben haber adquirido las competencias necesarias para poder ejercer en numerosos campos dentro de la profesión, siendo uno de ellos el relacionado con la Interacción Persona-Ordenador. Por otra parte, actualmente el marco europeo de competencias digitales se está posicionando como referencia de cara a estandarizar las competencias TIC adquiridas o requeridas por los profesionales. A partir de ese marco, el Comité Europeo de Normalización ha definido una serie de perfiles profesionales estándar entre los cuales no se encuentra ningún perfil de profesional en Interacción Persona-Ordenador. Así, en este artículo se presenta un trabajo de estudio de las competencias deseables en un profesional de la Interacción Persona-Ordenador con el objetivo de definir un perfil para dichos profesionales a partir de la herramienta de creación de perfiles del marco europeo de competencias digitales.