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- ItemOpen AccessPsychometric properties of the ORTO-R in a community-based sample of women and men from Poland(BMC, 2023) Brytek‑Matera, Anna; Obeid, Sahar; Donini, Lorenzo Maria; Rogoza, Marta; Marchlewska, Marta; Plichta, Marta; Jezewska‑Zychowicz, Marzena; Hallit, Souheil; Rogoza, RadosławPurpose Over the past two decades, orthorexia nervosa (ON) has been increasingly investigated. Recently, a new revision version of the ORTO-15, namely ORTO-R, was used. The main objective of the present study was to confirm the factor structure of Polish version of the ORTO-R for evaluating ON thoughts and behaviors. Method In three studies, a total of 3081 participants was selected by random sampling through several universities and companies. In Study 1, we used original items of ORTO-15, in Study 2 we used both, the ORTO-15 items and the revised items from ORTO-R, and in Study 3 we used only the items from the ORTO-R. Confirmatory factor analysis was used for determining the factorial structure of the Polish version of the ORTO-R. We also assessed internal consistency and convergent and criterion validity of the ORTO-R. Results The model composed of the revised items (ORTO-R) was characterized of good convergent and criterion validity. Furthermore, ORTO-R appeared to be more internally consistent as compared to ORTO-15. Conclusion The 6-item ORTO-R is valid and reliable method to assess orthorexic thoughts and behaviors among Polish-speaking population and could be applied in future research. Using revised version of the items is strongly preferred to using the items in their original ORTO-15 form.
- ItemOpen AccessValidation of the Arabic version of the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (Ar‑MDDI) among Lebanese male university students(BMC, 2023) Fekih‑Romdhane, Feten; Merhy, Georges; Moubarak, Verginia; He, Jinbo; Rogoza, Radosław; Hallit, Rabih; Obeid, Sahar; Hallit, SouheilBackground To date, the vast majority of research on disordered eating symptomatology and body image disturbances from the Arab world have been performed exclusively among women; and mainly used thinness-oriented measures that are not sensitive to detect muscularity-oriented symptoms, which are more evident in males. Therefore, the objective of our study was to validate the Arabic version of the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (Ar-MDDI), in order to make it accessible for Arabic-speaking populations. Methods Using a snowball sampling technique, men university students (n = 396) from multiple universities in Lebanon filled the survey in this cross-sectional designed study (January–May 2022). A soft copy of the questionnaire was created using google forms software, and sent to participants through the different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. We used the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory to assess Muscle Dysmorphia, along with the Big Three Perfectionism Scale to assess perfectionism and Eating Attitude Test (EAT) to evaluate the inappropriate eating attitudes. To explore the factor structure of Ar-MDDI, we computed a principal-axis Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with the first split-half subsample using the FACTOR software. We used data from the second split-half to conduct a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using the SPSS AMOS v.29 software. Pearson correlation test was used to test the convergent and divergent validity of the Ar-MDDI scale with the other scores included in the study. Results The results of the EFA revealed three factors, which explained 57.68% of the common variance: Factor 1 = Appearance intolerance, Factor 2 = Drive for size, and Factor 3 = Functional impairment. The CFA fit indices of the three-factor model of the Ar-MDDI scale showed good results. Moreover, 254 (64.1%) of the participants had inappropriate eating attitudes (EAT scores ≥ 20). Indices suggested that configural, metric, and scalar invariance was supported according to eating attitudes. No significant difference between participants with appropriate versus inappropriate eating attitudes in terms of functional impairment, drive for size and appearance intolerance. Perfectionism scores correlated positively with the Ar-MDDI, which suggests divergent validity. Conclusion Our findings revealed that the validation of the Arabic scale yielded excellent properties, preliminarily supporting its use for the assessment of muscle dysmorphia among Arabic-speaking university men. This would hopefully allow for its timely detection and management in Arab clinical settings and encourage cross-cultural research on this topic.
- ItemOpen AccessAn examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence, positive affect and character strengths and virtues(Universidad de Murcia, 2018) Ros Morente, Agnès; Alsinet, Carles; Torrelles Nadal, Cristina; Blasco Belled, Ana; Jordana Berenguer, NormaEl objetivo del presente estudio fue el de analizar la relación entre la Inteligencia Emocional, el Afecto Positivo y las fortalezas y virtu-des descritas en el VIA. Se exploró si la Inteligencia Emocional predecía los niveles de los participantes en las virtudes, además de si el Afecto Posi-tivo constituía un posible mediador. Para ello se utilizaron distintas medi-das: 419 estudiantes completaron el Trait Meta-Mood Scale para la Inteli-gencia Emocional (TMMS, Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera & Ramos, 2004). Las fortalezas y virtudes fueron evaluadas con el Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS; Peterson, Park, & Seligman, 2005), y el Afecto Positivo fue evaluado con el Positive (PA) and Negative Affect (NA) Schedule (PANAS; Sandín et al., 1999). Nuestros resultados mostra-ron una correlación positiva y significativa entre todas las fortalezas y vir-tudes del VIA con las escalas del TMMS Claridad Emocional y Reparación Emocional. Atención Emocional obtuvo correlaciones significativas para todas las virtudes exceptuando Templanza. Análisis posteriores demostra-ron que las escalas del TMMS predecían las virtudes del VIA, al mismo tiempo que el Afecto Positivo mostraba un posible rol mediador en la pre-dicción de Templanza y Humanidad. Estos resultados respaldan la relación existente entre Inteligencia Emocional y carácter, así como la importancia del Afecto Positivo en dicha relación.
- ItemOpen AccessMidiendo la calidad de vida de las personas sin hogar: la Escala GENCAT de Calidad de Vida(Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrrés. Universitat Ramon Llull, 2017) Benito Herráez, Eva; Alsinet, Carles; Maciá Antón, Ma. AraceliLas intervenciones destinadas a las personas sin hogar deben promover la calidad de vida. La planificación centrada en la persona aporta instrumentos específicos para medirla. La Escala GENCAT de Calidad de Vida se ha utilizado para analizar diferencias en función de las características y la cronicidad de la situación de sin hogar. Los resultados manifiestan bajos niveles en la mayoría de las dimensiones, especialmente entre las mujeres, las personas de más edad y de origen comunitario.
- ItemOpen AccessMesurant la qualitat de vida de les persones sense llar: l’Escala GENCAT de Qualitat de Vida(Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrrés. Universitat Ramon Llull, 2017) Benito Herráez, Eva; Alsinet, Carles; Maciá Antón, Ma. AraceliLes intervencions destinades a les persones sense llar han de promoure la qualitat de vida. La planificació centrada en la persona aporta instruments específics per a mesurar-la. L’Escala GENCAT de Qualitat de Vida s’ha utilitzat per analitzar diferències en funció de les característiques i la cronicitat de la situació d’estar sense llar. Els resultats palesen baixos nivells en la majoria de les dimensions, especialment entre les dones, les persones de més edat i d’origen comunitari.
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