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    Open Access
    The storage of pulses during the Bronze and Iron Ages in the East of the Iberian Peninsula: Examining the archaeological data through the lens of ethnography
    (Elsevier, 2020-01-22) Tarongi Chavarri, Miguel; Prats Ferrando, Georgina; Alonso, Natàlia
    Cereal storage is a widely studied subject in archaeological literature. Other agricultural products such as pulses, by contrast, have received little attention. Ethnographical research and the few exceptional finds of these products, nonetheless, reveal their important role in past societies. The disparity between cereals and legumes can also be indicative of differences between their respective agro-cultural processes. The detailed study of their different agricultural processes, such as storage or processing, can thus offer a better interpretation of the role of pulses throughout Prehistory. This article specifically presents a study of pulse seed remains and their possible link to archaeological storage structures in the East of the Iberian Peninsula throughout the 2nd and 1st millennium BC. Due to the scarcity of pulse remains recovered in the place where they were stored, structures that could have potentially served to store them are compared with ethnographic examples. The archaeological and ethnological data collected in this research has led to defining certain categories of pulse storage systems in the study, which in turn serve to identify a series of differences and similarities between pulse and cereal storage systems adapted to the needs of each botanical family.
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    Open Access
    La producción agrícola y la transformación y conservación de cereales en Mas Castellar-Pontós
    (Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga de la Universitat de València, 2000) Pons, Enriqueta; Gago Muñoz, Noelia; Fernández, Maria José; Bouso Garcia, Mònica
    Mas Castellar (Pontós) archaeological complex is constituted by a fortified village (Vth-IVth b. C.), a rural settlement (IIIth-IInd b. C.), and a silos field which embrace a chronology from final bronze (moment previous to the first occupation) until the moment of the emplacement being deserted. We should remark the significance of this site as a cereals conservation and distribution centre, role that assumes in the turn between a foremost trade and the commercial relationship under the domain of Empúries.
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    Open Access
    “Death or conversion”: From welfare to famine in the Jewish quarter of Lleida, Spain (12th–14th century)
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2024-03-27) Nieto Espinet, Ariadna; Valenzuela-Lamas, Silvia; Morán Álvarez, Marta; Payà Mercé, Xavier; Gil Gabernet, Isabel
    The urban planning work carried out in the old seminary district of Lleida, over an area of more than 6,000 m2, uncovered important remains of the old Cuirassa quarter. This quarter was inhabited by the Jewish aljama between the 12th century and the end of the 15th century CE. Archeological excavations have documented streets, squares, and private spaces corresponding to several houses, one of which was destroyed by the Christian assault and fire of the Jewish quarter on 13 August 1391. The study of the important archeozoological assemblages from this area has made it possible to characterize, for the first time, the dietary practices of the Jewish communities in different periods of occupation of this neighborhood. In addition, the consumption of certain non-kosher species in the late 14th century assemblages could be related with a situation of crisis or famine (which could correspond to the period after the attack of 1391), providing relevant data on the status and situation of the Jewish community in the city at that time. The results are consistent with the context defined by the historical sources, which describe an important period of decline after the attack.
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    Open Access
    Significació funcional de les sitges amortitzades de Mas Castellar de Pontós: una aproximació metodològica
    (Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya, 1998) Pons, Enriqueta; Bouso Garcia, Mònica; Gago Muñoz, Noelia; Fernández, Maria José
    El presente estudio se refiere a fosas excavadas en el substrato, cuya función primaria había sido Ia de conservar cereales. El material arqueológico que se encuentra en ellas, procedente de rellenos posteriores, es de diferentes cronologías. Se estudian y analizan las acciones y los contenidos de estos silos, que una vez vaciados, fueron rellenados y obstruidos por diversas razones. Las deposiciones son de diversa índole y no siempre deben tratarse como basureros. Los estudios analíticos son básicos a Ia hora de buscar una interpretación.
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    Open Access
    Manifestaciones de la cultura inmaterial en el cricuito patrimonial Quinta Normal, Santiago de Chile
    (Asociación de Investigación y Estudios del Sector Turístico (INVESTUR), 2024-03-20) Paül i Agustí, Daniel; Valenzuela Matus, Carolina
    El circuito patrimonial Quinta Normal (Santiago de Chile), emplazado alrededor del parque del mismo nombre, es simultáneamente un espacio altamente institucionalizado y un lugar popular de encuentro. En él conviven varios museos y centros culturales con una intensa programación, con eventos, encuentros y manifestaciones culturales de carácter inmaterial, más espontáneas y festivas. En una ciudad segmentada socialmente como Santiago esta mezcla de actividades es poco frecuente, por lo que su análisis aporta información importante sobre la percepción por parte de la población de los distintos elementos patrimoniales. La propuesta se centra en indagar la valoración de los distintos elementos del patrimonio inmaterial del área comparando la visión por parte de los agentes institucionales (a partir del análisis documental y entrevistas) y la de los residentes (obtenida de observación participante y encuestas). Los resultados muestran una clara dicotomía en la que las instituciones tienden a concentrar toda la atención mientras que el patrimonio inmaterial tiende a pasar desapercibido, perdiéndose una parte relevante del potencial que podría tener la combinación de instituciones patrimoniales, el parque y las manifestaciones populares espontáneas.