Grup de Recerca en Cognició i Context mediat per les Tecnologies de la Informació i de la Comunicació (INSPIRES)

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El grup COnTic és un grup de recerca consolidat, reconegut per la Generalitat de Catalunya, liderat per la Universitat de Lleida i adscrit al Departament de Pedagogia i Psicologia de la Universitat. Amb un caràcter interinstitucional i interdisciplinar, conTIC reuneix professionals de diferents àmbits relacionats amb la Psicologia, la Didàctica i la Tecnologia Informàtica. La principal finalitat del grup és estudiar com ajudar els futurs ciutadans a assolir les noves exigències cognitives i competències digitals que les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) impliquen, per afavorir la seva inserció i èxit en el món escolar, social i professional. [Més informació].


Recent Submissions

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    Open Access
    Inquiry web-based learning to enhance information problem solving competences in science
    (Springer, 2008) Pifarré Turmo, Manoli; Argelagós Castañ, Esther
    Early research on using web information indicates that secondary students fail to explore much web tools, use them naively and have serious difficulties to understand and integrate web information. In response to these challenges, the main goal of this research has been to design, implement and evaluate an instructional approach that helps students learn from web information. We have developed on-line learning materials which focus on specific curricular contents and provide specific scaffolds to help students accomplish web-based tasks and develop specific information problem-solving competencies. These scaffolds have intended to give support to students involved in information-seeking activities as they were asked questions, searched for information, organised and assessed their findings, and created rich representations of their newly-constructed understandings. We have designed a one year long study to investigate the depth and accuracy of 127 secondary students, as regards their content understanding as well as their development of information problem-solving competencies when using on-line resources to solve instructional tasks. Our research demonstrates that the experimental group performed computer-based activities statistically better than the control group. Our findings also suggest that students were able to develop accurate and in-depth understanding from web information if they could appropriately use search and managerial strategies. This research lends evidence to questions regarding the value of students engaging in on-line inquiry web-based learning to enhance content understanding and to develop more efficient information problem-solving competencies in secondary education.
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    Inquiry Web-Based Learning to enhance knowledge construction in science: a study in secondary education
    (Nova Science Publishers, 2010) Pifarré Turmo, Manoli
    Science is a complex topic and over the past two decades information and communication technologies have had an advantageous impact on science teaching and learning. When information and communication technologies are used into classrooms, students play an active role, learn at school and outside school, improve their teamwork skills, ask more questions, find answers to questions and show a higher interest in learning. The development of pedagogical strategies suited to classroom use of online resources should be an important priority for the science education community. Although many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of computer-based instruction in the students’ achievement in science, others suggest that students get lost on the Internet when searching information. However, other works have reported that students have difficulties in regulating their learning when using hypermedia environments. Science educators claim the necessity of attempting to facilitate students’ learning of science topics by using scaffolds, or instructional aids, designed to develop appropriate web searching and managerial strategies and to support students’ web-based learning. In response to this educational necessity, our work offers more insight into the challenge of combining information and communication technology with Inquiry WebBased Learning and procedural guidance in order to increase the students’ involvement and responsibility for their own learning of complex science topics. The main goal of the present study is to integrate technology and inquiry into science classrooms to assist students build their own knowledge and answer meaningful driving questions. 27 secondary education students. Specific scaffolds were provided to guide students through complex tasks, to help them develop scientific knowledge, and to provide support to enable them to transfer what they learnt during the web-based activity. All activities were designed keeping in mind the WebQuest structure but also including the circular notion of inquiry process presented by Lim (2004). According to Lim (2004) an inquiry process has the following elements: Ask, Plan, Know, Explore, Construct, and Reflect. Quantitative assessments showed that students in the experimental group outperformed the ones in the control group in the post test, indicating the positive effect of the instructional design. Some clues to use adaptive scaffolds effectively were exposed. Some of these scaffolds are tables, simulators, applets, visualizations, conceptual maps, and note-taking areas/boxes. This research lends evidence to questions regarding the value of students engaging in on-line inquiry learning to enhance science content understanding. The conclusions drawn in this work present a positive and promising path in the design of instructional processes capable to enhance students’ digital literacy and, consequently improve student’s content understanding using web information.
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    Using the affordances of wiki to support collaborative argumentation in secondary science education
    (Nova Science Publishers, 2010) Pifarré Turmo, Manoli; Argelagós Castañ, Esther; Guijosa Guzmán, Alejandro
    The role of argumentation processes to explain students’ science learning has been widely reported in the educational literature (e. g. Andriessen, 2006). The learning sciences have shown that collaborative classroom interaction can often contribute to individual argumentative discourse. Technology –especially computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) – has the potential to support productive argumentation. But many educational research studies have reported that most people have difficulties arguing collaboratively. The explosion of Web 2.0 technologies and social software accompanied by new affordances that expand communication, collaboration, learn and knowledge creation has opened a new era in education. This chapter departures from these arguments and will explore how to use the affordances of Web 2.0 technology to support science collaborative argumentation in secondary education. Special attention will be paid to the pedagogical features needed for a learning environment to use Wikis and scaffold students’ science argumentation processes. We begin the chapter by discussing argumentation theory and its implications in science learning. Second, we revise the educational possibilities of the Web 2.0 technologies, studying in depth the affordances of Wiki environments to enhance collaborative argumentation. Third, we continue by discussing the skills students will need to negotiate, discuss and to learn in a Wiki supported collaborative writing environment. Fourth, we study how to design a Wiki environment capable to scaffold argumentative skills. And finally, we report the pedagogical features used to design and implement a challenging Wiki learning environment. Specific scaffolds are provided to develop the main skills involved in science argumentation: elaboration, reasoning and reflection.
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    Open Access
    Resolviendo problemas de historia en y con la web
    (Graó, 2011) Sanuy Burgués, Jaume; Guijosa Guzmán, Alejandro
    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y concretamente Internet se nos presentan hoy como una herramienta de apoyo y mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Este artículo tiene como finalidad presentar una forma de incorporar la web para enseñar contenidos de historia, a la vez que se promueven estrategias de búsqueda, selección, organización y elaboración de información, basándose en la metodología webquest. Participan en el estudio 160 alumnos de 4.º de ESO. Los resultados finales de las actividades, en forma de un texto escrito, son analizados en cuanto a su estructura y a los principales contenidos que presentan.
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    Open Access
    The role of scaffolding in CSCL in general and in specific environments
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2014) Verdú Surroca, Noemí; Sanuy Burgués, Jaume
    This paper aims to analyse if virtual forums set up in an environment specifically designed to improve collaborative learning can effectively influence students’ discourse quality and learning when compared with those forums set up in a general environment. Following a coding schema based upon the set of scaffolds offered in the Knowledge Forum environment, we have qualitatively analysed 60 forums and 1,370 students from different subjects. The results show that there are very few elaborated and shared deep discussions: the central axis in those superior contributions focuses on bringing new information to already written contributions. There are more new and contrasting opinions in forums set up in a specific virtual environment, while there is more reasoning and elaboration in those that were set up in a general one. We propose some explanations for this dissonance and we conclude that collaborative virtual environments are secondary aspects in accounting for deep exchanges of information. Therefore, there are many aspects that need to be taken into account to improve collaborative learning and knowledge building.